Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear Democratic Party

I'll say it upfront so there's no confusion: I'm a Democrat. True blue, all the way, with no Republican or Tea Party sympathies to speak of. But truth be told, I have a bone to pick with my party. A rather big one. Because I liked your page on Facebook, I get emails on my personal account from various Democrats, always with a gripping headline like "so close!" or "the nerve!" about how, if we aren't careful, those dastardly Republicans will out-raise and outspend President Obama! I'll tell you this from one Democrat to another: stop it.

Seriously. The Republicans may have a short memory when it comes to their own misdeeds and previous positions, but they sure have no problems remembering what Democrats do, whether wrong or right. They remember that not too many months ago, during the GOP debates, that our party was ever so smug that we not only had a fundraising advantage, but that whatever Republican candidate made it out of the primary would be too battered to pose any sort of threat. What they didn't count on was that, once the other contenders bowed out, Mitt Romney would be able to raise as much money as he has.

This is your problem. Now that the fundraising tables have turned, your pleas for donations- "even $3!"- are looking more and more desperate. By constantly begging for money instead of playing up the strengths and accomplishments of the party and the Obama administration, which- much to the dismay of the GOP- are real and numerous, it makes us look just as petty as we accused the Republicans are being. Make no mistake about it, I and the rest of Ameria are under no illusions that there are billionaires who support Democratic candidates. I mean, just look at the way George Soros and Warren Buffett get dragged through the mud by partisans! To imply that the 1% only support Mitt Romney is inaccurate and dishonest.

What we need is a party that is known for standing on its principles rather than just being known for opposing the principles of others. What we need is a party that isn't afraid to play up its strengths and its popular support over Mitt Romney, not one that gloats about its monetary advantages, or that turns around and harasses the other side for having the same fundraising success. You are playing their game and only lending credence to their line that the Democrats only attack the successful. Well, the truth is that we have been successful on several fronts, the Affordable Care Act and Equal Pay Act being not the least of these.

I may just be one person saying this, but I know there are others who agree with me. I can only hope that enough people agree with me to let this letter reach you.


Liberal Crusader Blog


  1. Can I be a dittohead? Just this once? ;)

    1. Sure. Now do what I say and share my blog with all your friends, neighbors and loved ones :)
