Saturday, November 3, 2012

As If You Needed Another Reason...

Ready for another reason to vote blue next Tuesday? Let's go back in time to 2009, when President Obama had just been sworn in and liberal anger was still white-hot against the Bush administration. Remember how so many wanted to prosecute the entire administration for war crimes, dragging out a simple campaign slogan of "no more war" to what would've been a lengthy, bitterly-divisive, and costly investigation?

Well, President Obama put the kibosh on that right out of the gate, promising that he would move forward with rebuilding the nation and stopping the wars before he dragged out the skeletons from W's closet and put his brand-new presidency at risk. Plenty of liberals wanted more, and as new evidence comes to light, we've seen that they likely had a point, especially about allegations that the administration ignored key warnings that  coulda-woulda-shoulda prevented 9/11.

Or that they were torturing prisoners in defiance of the Geneva Convention.

Or that they lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Or that they proceeded with the invasion of Iraq in opposition to international law.

Or... Or...

I think you get the point. Now let's come back to the present. I shouldn't have to tell you about the many controversies, manufactured or otherwise, that have cropped up from right-wing circles about President Obama and his administration. We've seen already that prominent Republicans like Darrell Issa have no qualms about making their own highly-public "investigations" into anything that they think will embolden their base and/or hurt the president. They will literally stop at nothing. So in light of what I've just talked about with President Obama flatly declaring that Bush administration officials are to be given immunity from trials, what do you think will happen if Mitt Romney is elected?

Let me tell you.

His administration will give carte blanche to the likes of Darrell Issa, Joe Arpaio, and any other crackerjack conspiracy theorist to launch their own "investigations" into anything about Barack Obama (and anyone who worked for him) that they feel inclined to blow smoke about. The birther quests and Benghazi bloviations of today will look like child's play in comparison.

Now am I arguing that we re-elect the president to shield him from legitimate investigations in the case of actual wrong-doing on the part of himself or his employees? Certainly not. In the case that he or his administration screws up, they should be held accountable according to legal procedure, but not to some vindictive kangaroo court that a Romney presidency would be powerless to stop, if it didn't outright endorse one.

And who's to say that such retribution would stop at Barack Obama and key administration officials? To play a little devil's advocate here, why not also draw in Democratic members of Congress, on the national and state levels? And why not key Democratic fundraisers and activists? Furthermore, what about the volunteers who could also be implicated? And why not take it all the way down to the very root of the "problem": to the very people who voted for him in the first place?

In case you've been asleep these past few months- well, really years- you've no doubt heard people tell you that "this election is the most important one of our generation". Well guess what: they're right. Absolutely, positively right. And before you go accusing me of spreading just another conspiracy theory, just remember who we're dealing with. Remember where their priorities lie: uteri, guns, and theocracy. Now remember that we are the only tangible thing standing between them and total control of the three things I just mentioned.

Do you really need another reason to make Tuesday "Blues-day"? Really?